Since 1996, we have raised more than $1.3 million and have distributed nearly $1.3 million in grants to various causes in Metro Infanta and beyond. In addition, the Foundation has facilitated nearly half a million dollars in direct funding from various funding agencies such as St. Thomas More Parish, Holy Cross Parish, Weckbaugh Foundation, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, the Archdiocese of Denver and many more.
We can do more with your help. Please make a donation by clicking the Donate button above. Thank you for your generosity.
Through God’s grace and your support, we have achieved the following milestones and works-in-progress:
- Communications and Publishing
- 1. Published a newsletter until 2000 to connect our community in Diaspora
- 2. Publish the Metro Infanta Foundation website to offer more timely communications, information and inspiration for our community in Diaspora.
- 3. Published “Labong ng Kawayan,” a compilation of stories about Metro Infanta and distributed copies to public and private schools in the Metro Infanta area.
- 4. Connects long-lost friends and relatives through the website.
- Building Projects
- 1. Built the Prayer Garden, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Shrine, to remember the Carmelite missionaries
- 2. Rebuilt the Gabaldon building destroyed by a typhoon in the early ‘70’s for the Infanta Central School of Infanta
- 3. Helped rebuild the St. John the Baptist Church in Panukulan with St. Thomas More children’s “Pennies from Heaven”
- 4. Built water tanks for school children in Sibulan Elementary School and National High School in Polillo
- 5. Helped build a tool shed in Mt. Carmel High School in Polillo
- 6. Finished the flooring of the Adoration Chapel in Infanta
- 7. Refurbished the pews of the St. Mark’s Cathedral for the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Carmelite mission
- 8. Assisted “Hardin ng Kalikasan,” a self-help women’s group in securing funds to build their headquarters in Kiloloron, Real.
- 9. Helped rebuild the Labayen Hall and Auditorium of Mt. Carmel High School of Infanta
- 10. Provided funds for the Mother of Life and Notre Dame de Vie construction project and programs.
- 11. Helped fund three friars rooms in the Carmelite Seminary in the Philippines
- 12. Facilitated the fundraising for the bell tower of St. Joseph Parish In Polillo, Quezon.
- 13. Helped build homes for the Diocese of Borongan in East Samar and the Archdiocese of Palo in Leyte.
- 14. Helped fund the St. Mark’s Parish Chapel for celebrations of the sacraments and for worship overflow
- 15. Helped build a home for an indigenous family (katutubo)
- 16. Funded a new “school house” out of a container tank for poor children
- 17. Provided funds to help the Augustinian Sisters the construction of a home for poor children
- Celebrations
- 1. Organized and funded, in part, the 50th Anniversary celebration of the opening of the Infanta Mission and bringing six of our beloved Carmelite priests “home.”
- 2. Provided funds for Bishop Labayen’s 75th birthday celebration, including the publication of a book, “Julio, Itayo mo ang aking simbahan” in his honor.
- 3. Provided funds for the welcome and farewell celebrations of Bishop Rolando Tria Tirona and Bishop Julio X. Labayen respectively.

- Education and Scholarships
- 1. Tuition assistance grants to more than 100 students from high school to post-graduate studies
- 2. Initiated and supported the Scholarship Fund Campaign of the Alumni Asdociation of Mt. Carmel of Polillo
- 3. Provided funds for a couple of printers for Mt. Carmel School of Polillo
- 4. Distributed dictionaries and other school supplies for every classroom in Infanta Central
- 5. Donated computer units for Panukulan National High School
- 6. Purchased World Atlas for Mt. Carmel High School-Burdeos library
- 7. Provided funds to purchase a couple of printers and supplies for Mt. Carmel School of Polillo
- Financial Support
- 1. Provides financial support and tuition assistance to seminarians at St. Joseph House of Formation
- 2. Help fund an orphanage in Colombia, South America
- 3. Continues to provide funds for the Prelature of Infanta and its programs
Emergencies and Calamities - 1. Provided emergency assistance after the Deluge of 2004
- 2. Facilitated donation to St. Bernard, Leyte after the devastating typhoon in February 2006
- 3. Provided funds to buy a number for tricycles for victims of Supertyphoon Haiyan
- 4. Funded at least 60 homes ($50,000) for the victims of 2013 Supertyphoon Haiyan.
- Stewardship and Philippine Church
- 1. Promotes of stewardship as a way of life in the Church in the Philippines since 2000 through Socio Pastoral Institute
- 2. Invites experts on stewardship to the Philippines at their own expense
- 3. Funded the first Asian Pacific Stewardship Conference in the Philippines hosted by the International Catholic Stewardship Council and Socio Pastoral Institute
- Serves as conduit for Mission Appeals and other funding opportunities for the following:
- 1. Prelature of Infanta
- 2. Socio Pastoral Institute
- 3. Philippine Carmelite Province
- 4. Tanzania Carmelite Province
- Others
- 1. Provided financial support to medical missions in Metro Infanta
- 2. Donated air condition for St. Joseph House of Formation
- 3. Donated 75,000 pesos each to three parishes in the Diocese of Kabankalan for a total of 225,000 pesos, to use as capital to purchase rice for distribution.
- 4. Purchased a bell for Real’s St. Raphael Parish
- 5. Purchased an electric generator for the St. Joseph Parish in Polillo, Quezon
- 6. Purchased a set of tires for a priest to be able to maneuver the treacherous roads in the far-flung areas for his parish
- 7. Provided funds for an AV system for the chapel of St. Joseph Formation House
- 8. Provided funds to purchase more than 300 StrengthFinder access codes for clergy and seminarians as well as parish leaders in the Philippines

We can do more! Join us, and together, let’s make a difference..