By Mila Glodava
Twenty-three years! That’s how many years Metro Infanta Foundation (MIF) has been incorporated in the State of Colorado July 31, 1996! And the IRS recognized it as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization four months later. MIF was a fruit of a Fellowship with the Asian Pacific Women Leadership Institute, which required an Impact Project that would benefit at least 25 people. I think it’s safe to say that with more than $1.3 million distributed to various causes, MIF has carried out its mission, and continues to spread goodwill and hope.
Below are a couple of photos from our inaugural group of outstanding Asian women. Need to point out Mr. Donald Clifton, President of Gallup Institute, who did not have any doubts about my suggested project when I presented it at the conclusion of our week-long session in Lincoln, Nebraska!