Make a donation
Make a donation to Metro Infanta Foundation, a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and support its many causes — civic, educational, religous, humanitarian and development. Your support enables Metro Infanta Foundaiton to reach out and address issues and concerns in our native homeland, including the towns of Burdeos, General Nakar, Infanta, Panukulan, Polillo and Real. Your donations can touch hearts and change lives. Metro Infanta Foundation also has partnered with Socio Pastoral Institute to promote stewardship as a way of life in the Church in the Philippines and beyond.
You can support the Foundation in several ways:
* Annual support. Your annual support pays for office expenses — stamps, stationery, Internet, bank charges, and more. __$25 __$35 __$45 __$50.00 __Other: $______
•Special Gifts: supports our charitable causes such us education, community development, disaster relief, and religious. Please give specific intention on the message line on PayPal donation page. __$100 __$150 __$200 __ $250 __ $500.00 __$1,000 __ Other $____
Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.